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2025 Points Fund
Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Clone 375 $500 $200 $100
Predator 375 $500 $200 $100
Senior Champ 425 $500 $200 $100

We will have 23 scheduled races for 2025.
Points for the points fund will be based on 12 races.
Burris tires will be ran on a weekly basis.
Special events will be open tires. These events will be announced


We are excited to make many changes and improvements for the 2025 racing season. Blairsville Speedway uses AKRA & WKA rules for the engines and kart specs. Clone classes will use the AKRA rules and Animal classes will use the WKA rules.























For more information call:

Pete Miller 412-551-1400

Email: petemillerjr@icloud.com

Blairsville Speedway, LLC
Authorized Dealer

We also have a supply of quality used karts for sale.















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